有些人想要忘記過去;有些人試圖改變過去;但改變一個環節、所有的事情都將發生變化。( Some people want to forget the past; some people want to change it. Change one thing. Change everything” ) — 電影《蝴蝶效應》。
有些人想要忘記過去;有些人試圖改變過去;但改變一個環節、所有的事情都將發生變化。( Some people want to forget the past; some people want to change it. Change one thing. Change everything” ) — 電影《蝴蝶效應》。
Some people want to forget the past; some people want to change it. Change one thing. Change everything”(有些人想要忘記過去;有些人試圖改變過去;但改變一個環節、所有的事情都將發生變化。)